mîcêt tipiskâwi-pîsimak - "Many Moons" presents MAADA'OOKII/To Share

s/he distributes something, distributes gifts, shares something with others.

One of the values within Indigenous ways of knowing is sharing, reciprocity, which resulted with the name for this group’s exhibition.

The artworks shared and displayed are composed by five women sharing their stories together. Through art, these five women have contributed stories, art techniques, traditions and enthusiasm using the theme of feminine landscape as a means of exposing their artistic expression.

Kristy Janvier, Annie Courchene, Frances Cooper, Tess Houston under the tutelage of Lita Fontaine, are pleased to present their gifts and artistry with you through sharing,

maada’ookii, an oral tradition, that has in the past and in the present creates a sense of belonging and relationship among one another.

Mitakuye Oyasin,
All My Relations

Part of the Rural Artist Mentorship program, which is co-programmed by the Manitoba Arts Network and Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art.